Monday, October 15, 2007

Reverse Stocking Stitch Chevrons

So I am glad to report that this time I really have been sticking to it and practicing my knitting. I believe it is slowly paying off. I can tell I'm getting better with every project. On Friday, I met up with Deborah for lunch and she looked at my Knit 2, Purl 1 ribbing. Deborah has been giving me small projects as practice knitting. Overall she said it was good but I still need to work on my tension. Ok not bad, so I was ready to start my next project so I picked out a knit purl pattern from a book of patterns she gave me. The pattern is called "Reverse Stocking Stitch Chevrons". I was so excited to start. It was perfect since I was going to Philly this weekend and could work on it while there. I started early Saturday morning and here is what I have so far. This is 36 rows completed.

1 comment:

Deborah-- said...

This is looking really good! Your tension is very nice on this one. Great job. Can you email a picture of it without reducing the file size? I want to see it blown up. Keep it up!!