Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Book Meme

I was tagged by Deborah with a meme.

Here are the rules:

1. Pick up the nearest book of 123 or more pages. The New Optimum Nutrition Bible.

2. Open the book to page 123 and find the 5th sentence. "Mercury is very toxic indeed and small anounts reach us from contaminated foods and from tooth fillings."

3. Post the next 3 sentences. "Of particular concern is fish caught in contaminated waters. "Mercury is used in a number of chemical processes, and accidents and illegal dumping have led to increases mercury levels in some areas, including the seashores and lakes of the U.S. Fish, especially larger species like tuna, store the mecury, which we then ingest.

4. Then tag 4 people. I really don't have 4 people to tag and I don't want to tag people that have already been tagged.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter...Mmmm Banana Cake

This Easter I went over to my sisters for Easter dinner and some Easter fun with the kids. I had alot of fun with my neices and nephews dying the easter eggs. Here we are showing off their works of art.

We also had a scavenger hunt. My sister and I carefully hid the plastic eggs with hersheys kissess and other treats contained inside the eggs all around the house. The kids had so much fun finding the eggs and the winner was jordan who was able to find 25 eggs...he won $5 bucks.

The hunt is On! Find as many eggs as you can...

Jason finds some in a bush...

Alicia jumps up to reach the egg on the window sil...

Mia finds one...

Jason gets to one before Jordan...

Everyone Count your Eggs!

Mia 15 Eggs

Alicia Finds 22 eggs

Jason 15 eggs

The winner...Jordan with 25 Eggs

For Easter dinner my sister asked me to make a cake for dessert. I asked her what kind and she said she didn't care, it was up to me. First I thought of making carrot cake, it seemed appropriate for the easter bunnies. Then while speaking to my boyfriend about it he gave me the idea for banana cake. I haven't had banana cake in such a long time and I do have fond memories of the banana cake I made while in camp years ago. I remember having to triple the recipie and do all the math to figure out the correct measurements. So banana cake with cream cheese frosting it was. This cake came out so good. It was extremely moist and oh so delicious. Tastes really good with coffee, tea or a cold glass of milk.

My sister decided to do what I usually do and take pictures of me making the banana cake. I got to use this Kitchen-Aid mixer we borrowed from my sisters neighbor downstairs. I loved using this mixer it made my job much easier. I have wanted one of these mixers since I was a little girl. One day I will get one.

Saturday I went over to Deborah's so she could help me with my Odessa hat problem. Weeks ago I put down this hat because I did something wrong...I don't know what I did but I didn't want to mess it up further so I put it down and had not touched it. Deborah was able to get me back on track and hopefully I will finish this hat soon and post updated pictures. I also started a fingerless glove with Koigu yarn. This is my first glove and I find it a bit difficult working with double pointed needles but otherwise so for so good.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The First Spreads in My 2008 Scrapbook Album

Here are the first entries into my 2008 scrapbook album completed this weekend. The first titled "Snow Day" includes the pictures I took the day we got the first real accumulation of snow in the city. Unfortunately, it was a work day so I took these pictures on my walk into work.

This spread took me so long to complete for some reason, but usually the ones that take some time turn out really well. Iam very happy with the way this turned out. I originally had completely different colors picked out. The color scheme I originally had was brown and white (which I kept) with a dark pink and a light mint green patterned paper. It looked nice although I didn't have enough of the pink paper and the colors weren't really cold snowy type colors so I changed it to this ice blue colored patterned paper from my old world paper pack. All-in-all it turned out well in the end.

The second spread includes the pictures I took on my niece Mia's 3rd birthday. She is getting so big and she is very mature for her age. This is a pretty simple spread. I printed all the pictures the same size and just ran them across the page. Since the Snow Day spread took me so long, I opted for super simple on this spread.