Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Book Meme

I was tagged by Deborah with a meme.

Here are the rules:

1. Pick up the nearest book of 123 or more pages. The New Optimum Nutrition Bible.

2. Open the book to page 123 and find the 5th sentence. "Mercury is very toxic indeed and small anounts reach us from contaminated foods and from tooth fillings."

3. Post the next 3 sentences. "Of particular concern is fish caught in contaminated waters. "Mercury is used in a number of chemical processes, and accidents and illegal dumping have led to increases mercury levels in some areas, including the seashores and lakes of the U.S. Fish, especially larger species like tuna, store the mecury, which we then ingest.

4. Then tag 4 people. I really don't have 4 people to tag and I don't want to tag people that have already been tagged.


Deborah-- said...

I knew when I tagged you that we would get a nutritional book. LOL At least you played along.

Lisa Rae said...

Sorry that was the nearest book at the time with more than 123 pages.